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Project Spotlight: Chuck Jones Center

Mitchell Morrison

Our project for the Chuck Jones Center involved researching and restructuring their social media marketing approach.

Our Client

Chuck Jones Center for Creativity is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity located in Orange County, California. Founded in 1999 by the four-time Academy Award recipient and legendary animation creator and director, Chuck Jones.

The Chuck Jones Center for Creativity is a “gymnasium for the brain” that fosters creative thinking, the thinking behind problem solving, by inspiring people to exercise their unique creative genius through creativity exercises. Their programs build important life skills for school age children, support healthy cognitive abilities for seniors and enhance behavioral function for children on the autism spectrum.

The Chuck Jones Center offers both one-time programs and several different multiple-session workshops at the Center – along with schools and other community locations – across the four local counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Diego.Specifically, they serve their mission through art classes, exhibitions, lectures, film festivals, and our online community, all of which spring from the material in the Chuck Jones archive.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity was unable to provide in-person service. The pandemic did, however, provide the opportunity to expand their audience beyond the southern California region through virtual programs.

Our Objective

The Chuck Jones Center for Creativity marketing success has traditionally relied on the Chuck Jones brand as well their strong reputation within their community. However, with the Chuck Jones name having less recognition among younger audiences, the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity seeks new avenues to diversify and strengthen their marketing approach.

We worked with the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity to create an optimized social media strategy that would retain the Chuck Jones brand while introducing new members to the Chuck Jones Center and their offerings. Specifically, we were requested to create a social media strategy for the following platforms:

Our Goals

Prior to beginning our work with the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity, our team outlined a list of goals that would serve as our criteria for success.

Goal 1: Create a social media strategy that clearly communicates the value added from Chuck Jones Center for Creativity classes and maintain their current messaging and branding.

Goal 2: Expand the audience size for each social media platform through optimized growth strategies.

Goal 3: Produce examples, templates, and strategies for the Chuck Jones Center to ensure quality content and consistency across each of their social media platforms.

Our Methodology

To ensure we satisfied our goals and provided our client the highest level of service, our team first created a methodology that would serve as a guideline for our project.

Social Media Analysis

Survey Results - In order to better understand the Chuck Jones Center’s efficacy with their current social media strategy, we conducted a survey from their current community members.

Platform Analysis - We analyzed the Chuck Jones Center’s current social media practices and audience growth and interactions. Our goal was to better understand where the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity needed to adjust their current social media approach based on our industry best practices research.

Optimization Research - For each platform, we wanted to have a better understanding of their algorithms and essential content features that are necessary for audience growth, so we researched algorithms as well as key statistics for each platform.

Optimization StrategiesWith an understanding of each platforms algorithm and important features, we then researched industry practices for growth optimization. Coupled with our understanding of each platforms algorithm, we curated our optimization recommendations.

Competitor Analysis Before we made our final recommendations, we wanted to understand where other competitors had been successful with their social media strategies and what approaches they used.

RecommendationsWith our understanding the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity’s needs, industry practices, and optimization strategies, we were able to make informed recommendations for each platform.

Social Media Analysis Summary

We used the same process for each of the five social media platforms that our client requested. Each platforms recommendations differed as we found different best practices for each platform. Additionally, we found it important to use each platform for a different purpose for an optimized and wholistic approach to the Chuck Jones Center’s social media strategy.

Best Practices Guide

Following our social media analysis, our team created a best practices guide for the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity’s social media platforms. The best practices guide included templates, mock contents, optimized captions, and a schedule for posting. The purpose of the best practices guide was to create content that visually represented our recommendations and research. We created over 50 mock posts along with several templates for our client to use or refer to. Here are some examples of our work:

Content CalendarA schedule of when and what to post on a typical week for Instagram and Facebook.

Example ContentCharacter Post

Example ContentStudent Testimonials

Example ContentClass Update

Example ContentInstagram Stories

Example Content - Twitter

Looking Back At This Project

Our team is proud to have provided a turnkey social media approach for the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity.

If you feel that your organization can use our help, fill out our client interest form!



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